Screen Shrink 1.0.2 is a small system extension (INIT) that changes the screen size of large monitors to the classic 9 inch screen found in the Mac Plus, SE, SE/30, Classic, Classic II, and Performa 200.
That might sound a little sadistic, but ponder it a moment. If you design anything that gets displayed on the Mac screen, you need to make sure it fits, and looks good, on the classic Macs (unless you only hang around with big-screen people).
Screen Shrink makes this task easy! It actually reduces your desktop to the 9 inch screen size -- and you'll remember why you bought that large screen!
Screen Shrink is a system extension. If you're using System 7, place it in your Extensions folder. If you're using System 6, place it in your System Folder. You must restart for Screen Shrink to do its thing. Once your screen has been shrunk, the only way to enlarge it again is to restart without Screen Shrink.
Screen Shrink MUST be the first System Extension loaded! If you use StartUpManager or INITPicker (or any other extension manager), just make sure Screen Shrink is at the top of the list.
If you don't use an extension manager, go get one. In the meantime, rename Screen Shrinker to something like AScreen Shrinker. The system loads extensions in alphabetical order. Screen Shrink is only happy if it is the first extension to be loaded.
Screen Shrink is freeware. It is offered as is, and is guaranteed to do nothing. Of course, it does do something, but we must protect ourselves!
Screen Shrink resets the QuickDraw globals "MainDevice" and "CrsrPin". It does so in a very sleazy manner, and might not be compatible with future releases of system software. If that's the case, it will be reissued. Earlier versions (which were available on AOL for only a couple days) had a few bugs which have been corrected.
If you were unfortunate enough to have downloaded version 1.0 or 1.01, get rid of them. Version 1.0.1 will not run under System 6, and version 1.0 worked just fine until you changed screen depths under System 7. The desktop remained at 9 inches, but the cursor was permitted to roam outside the bounds of the desktop. Quite unnerving!
Yes, even sleazy little system extensions can be copyrighted. While Screen Shrink is completely free, it is nonetheless copyrighted by BackPorch Systems, which is really a psuedonymn for Carl Smigielski. If you plan on dismembering its code, please have the courtesy to name it something else.
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